Jose Bolanos MD, a Silicon Valley veteran and Stanford-trained physician, stands as the Founder and CEO of Nimbus-T Global. At the helm, he spearheads the development and implementation of their groundbreaking secure identity solution, Nimbus-Key ID. This patented technology is revolutionizing enterprise logins, providing a robust and innovative approach to safeguarding sensitive information. He is a member of, the cybersecurity team to the banking industry and the advances of the FedNow Fast Pay, ISO20022.

A Fusion of Silicon Valley Expertise and Stanford Excellence
Dr. Bolaños, a distinguished Silicon Valley veteran and Stanford-trained physician, presents a rich tapestry of experience at the nexus of healthcare and technology. From a foundation in biomedical engineering to a residency at Stanford Medical Center, his career has been marked by delivering over 8,000 babies, pioneering surgical techniques, and contributing to cutting-edge healthcare solutions.

Leading Innovation: CEO of Nimbus-T Global
As the Founder and CEO of Nimbus-T Global, Dr. Bolaños spearheads the development of Nimbus-Key ID a patented secure identity solution transforming enterprise logins. His role reflects a commitment to advancing data security, and the technology underscores his dedication to reshaping how organizations protect sensitive information.

Expertise at a Glance: Healthcare and Startups
Dr. Bolaños showcases expertise in Obstetrics and Gynecology, with proficiency in advanced surgical techniques, hysteroscopy, ultrasound, and addressing complex conditions like endometriosis. His involvement in healthcare startups and investments in Silicon Valley further positions him as a multifaceted authority in the field.

Pioneering Progress: Research and Innovation
Dr. Bolaños has been deeply engaged in groundbreaking research, notably contributing to the cryopreservation of human sperm. Collaborations with esteemed institutions, such as the Veterinary School at UC Davis, underscore his dedication to pushing the boundaries of medical knowledge and contributing to the scientific community. TES-T Yolk buffer publication.

Shaping the Future: Investor and Advisor in Healthcare Startups
Since 2009, Dr. Bolaños has played a vital role in Silicon Valley’s healthcare startup ecosystem. As a founding member of the Venture-Med Angel group and a contributor to the Keiretsu Forum, he actively shapes the future of healthcare through strategic investments and advisory roles, aligning his passion for innovation with impactful ventures.

Participating in the Cybersecurity Advances in Banking
Dr. Bolanos has been a contributing member to the cybersecurity team to banking.  He is leading the pilot transactions in the FedNow FastPay system for healthcare (ISO20022), a move beyond ACH and SWIFT to fast international payments within “6 seconds”. Nimbus-Key ID has been accepted to participate as an identity provider in the pilot.  

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Dive into the mindset and strategic planning that drive the most successful entrepreneurs.

Get ready to be inspired and enjoy the journey!

Leading Beyond Limits:

Mastering Executive Excellence.

by Jose Bolanos MD  is now available on Amazon!

800 Million WordPress
Websites need secure logins!


Nickolas Webb | CEO | Best Selling Author |  Strategist | Professor | Top Keynote Speaker 

I’ve spent the last 25 years in virtually all areas of innovation and new product development throughout the entire healthcare ecosystem. Jose’s keen insights on the trajectory of technology and healthcare give him a unique and special understanding of what technologies will thrive and what technologies will fail. His understanding of the intersection between the economy and innovation puts him in a league of his own. I’m looking forward to continuing the opportunity to work with him across many projects.

Matt Bell | Software Engineer at Optum 360

Jose is a pioneer in medical related technologies and has worked in different sectors of the Healthcare industry. In my dealings as a business associate I have found Jose to be a very reliable and knowledgeable resource in the field Healthcare. I believe Jose would be a great acquisition to any Healthcare relate project with his experience as a physician and and his technical abilities.

Steven Swernofsky Esq | Los Altos Law | Managing Director

Jose was instrumental in advising a startup company that was seeking funding from an angel investment group we are both members of. His expertise in the field, combined with his knowledge of the startup world, were invaluable to the company. The company was successful, which is the sincerest tribute to this skills.

Georgette Silver | Healthcare Sales Professional

Jose is a top rate clinician and administrator. He is extremely organized and detail oriented. His patients feel very comfortable in his practice and his colleagues look to him for leadership. He is very creative and thinks outside the box. A true gentleman and scholar.

Eric Drew | Founder | Chairman of

Jose Bolanos has been a driven, far sighted entrepreneurial thinker that is always riding the wave of new technology and innovation to make a difference through his work